Occurrence and distribution of root and collar rot disease of Jatropha curcas L. in Benin

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Article (sc. journal) of Adandonon A., Datinon B., Baimey H., Toffa J. and M. Tamo - 2016

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  • Literature reference
  • Author
  • Adandonon A., Datinon B., Baimey H., Toffa J. and M. Tamo
  • English title of the work
  • The Barbados nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is an important biofuel crop grown in the world but affected by root and collar rot disease with important seed yield losses. The study aims to determine the distribution, importance and causal agents of the disease affecting root and collar of J. curcas plant in Benin Republic. A survey was conducted in Benin four agroecological zones. Fields were sampled and observed for the disease incidence and severity. Diseased plants of J. curcas were sampled and pathogens identified in the laboratory at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. The results showed that the disease is distributed in all four agroecological zones and resulted in dieback with wilting, blackening, rotting, and plant death. The highest incidence was recorded in the Southern Guinea Savana (9.5%) while the lowest was in the Sudan Savana (3.3%). Lasiodiplodia theobromae was consistently isolated with prevalence (more than 90%) depending on the agroecological zone, but higher than that of also isolated Fusarium solani. Inoculation of the pathogens to J. curcas plants for pathogenicity resulted in the typical disease symptoms. Identification was confirmed and samples deposited at Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI 15555 and PPRI 15556), Pretoria, South Africa. This is the first report of L. theobromae as main pathogen, causing dieback on J. curcas with large distribution in Benin. Fusarium solani was of minor importance. The current disease identification is of paramount importance for the disease control programme in Benin so as to increase J. curcas seed yield for increase of biofuel production.
    Key words: Purging nut, dieback disease, pathogenicity, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, agroecological zones.
  • Title of the work
  • Occurrence and distribution of root and collar rot disease of Jatropha curcas L. in Benin
  • Year of publication
  • 2016
  • Author's email
  • adanappo@yahoo.fr
  • Issue number of a journal, magazine...
  • Numéro spécial Agronomie, Société, Environnement & Sécurité Alimentaire
  • Journal or magazine
  • Bulletin de la Recherche Agronomique du Bénin (BRAB)
  • Month of publication
  • Août
  • Page number
  • 144-154
  • URL Address
  • http://www.slire.net/download/2354/15_me_article_brab_brab_n_sp_cial_projet_niche-ben-174_-_ao_t_2016.pdf
  • Countries concerned
  • Benin
  • Associated thesauruses
  • TropicAgrif
  • Keywords TropicAgrif
  • Agronomy
    Constraints of diseases
    Other plant diseases
    National Dimension
    Disciplinary Approach
  • Saved on
  • 2016-09-30
  • Modifed on
  • 2016-09-30
  • Administrated by
  • POMALEGNI Charles Bertrand
  • Abstract
  • Le pourghère (Jatropha curcas L.) est produit dans le monde pour sa bioénergie mais attaqué par la maladie de pourriture de racines et de collet avec une importante perte de rendement des graines. L’objectif de l’étude est de déterminer la distribution et les pathogènes causant la maladie de pourriture des racines et au collet des plants de J. curcas au Bénin. Une enquête a été réalisée dans les quatre zones agroécologiques du Bénin afin de déterminer l’incidence, la sévérité et les pathogènes de la maladie. Des plants de J. curcas malades étaient échantillonnés et les pathogènes identifiés au laboratoire de l’Institut International d’Agriculture Tropicale. Les résultats ont montré que la maladie se retrouvait partout au Bénin et se manifestait par un dépérissement dégressif suivi de pourriture de tige et de collet de Jatropha. L’incidence était plus importante dans la Savane Guinéenne du Sud (9,5%) mais plus faible dans la Savane Soudanienne (3,0%). Lasiodiplodia theobromae avec une incidence supérieure à 90% était le principal pathogène comparé à Fusarium solani également isolé. L’inoculation du pathogène aux plants de J. curcas pour la pathogénécité a donné les symptômes typiques de la maladie. L’inoculation sous serre des champignons au J. curcas confirmait leur pathogénécité. C’est la première fois que L. theobromae causant le dépérissement dégressif au Jatropha est rapporté au Bénin avec son incidence et sa distribution. Des isolats du champignon sont mis en collection à Pretoria en Afrique du Sud (PPRI 15555 et PPRI 15556). Cette identification est importante pour un programme de lute contre cette maladie de Jatropha au Bénin.
    Mots clés : Pourghère, maladie de dépérissement, pathogénécité, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, zones agroécologiques.
  • English abstract
  • The Barbados nut (Jatropha curcas L.) is an important biofuel crop grown in the world but affected by root and collar rot disease with important seed yield losses. The study aims to determine the distribution, importance and causal agents of the disease affecting root and collar of J. curcas plant in Benin Republic. A survey was conducted in Benin four agroecological zones. Fields were sampled and observed for the disease incidence and severity. Diseased plants of J. curcas were sampled and pathogens identified in the laboratory at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. The results showed that the disease is distributed in all four agroecological zones and resulted in dieback with wilting, blackening, rotting, and plant death. The highest incidence was recorded in the Southern Guinea Savana (9.5%) while the lowest was in the Sudan Savana (3.3%). Lasiodiplodia theobromae was consistently isolated with prevalence (more than 90%) depending on the agroecological zone, but higher than that of also isolated Fusarium solani. Inoculation of the pathogens to J. curcas plants for pathogenicity resulted in the typical disease symptoms. Identification was confirmed and samples deposited at Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI 15555 and PPRI 15556), Pretoria, South Africa. This is the first report of L. theobromae as main pathogen, causing dieback on J. curcas with large distribution in Benin. Fusarium solani was of minor importance. The current disease identification is of paramount importance for the disease control programme in Benin so as to increase J. curcas seed yield for increase of biofuel production.
    Key words: Purging nut, dieback disease, pathogenicity, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, agroecological zones.