Inventaire et analyse des services d'appui et de financement de la production agricole

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Report of B. Temé and A. Sidibé and S. Maïga - 2000

  • Literature reference
  • Author
  • B. Temé and A. Sidibé and S. Maïga
  • Title of the work
  • Inventaire et analyse des services d'appui et de financement de la production agricole
  • Year of publication
  • 2000
  • Institution
  • IER
  • Number of pages
  • 78
  • Publisher's address
  • Bamako
  • Countries concerned
  • Mali
  • Associated thesauruses
  • AFOMDnet
  • Keywords AFOMDnet
  • Non availability of inputs (including seeds)
    Organize and manage the distribution of quality seeds
    Other action to improve the availabiity of seeds
    Organize the acquisition and the quality control of fertilizers
    Organize and manage fertilizer distribution
    Organize the production and control of seeds
    Other action to improve the availabiity of fertilizers
    Organization of the acquisition and the quality control of insecticides
    Organize and manage the distribution of insecticides
    Other action to improve the availabiity of insecticides
    Organize the acquisition and the quality control of herbicides
    Organize and manage the distribution of herbicides
    Other action to improve the availabiity of herbicides
    Organize the acquisition and the quality control of fungicides
    Organize and manage distribution of fungicides
    Other action to improve the availability of fungicides
    Organize the acquisition and the quality control of nematicides
    Organize and manage the distribution of nematicides
    Other action to improve the availabiity of nematicides
    Non adaptation of inputs
    To adapt inputs packaging
    Adapt inputs to the needs of crop productions
    Adapt inputs to the needs of animal productions
    Adapt inputs to the purchase power of producers
    Adapt inputs to regulatory requirements at national, regional or international levels
    Other action to adapt inputs
    Insufficient level and liability of the quality of inputs
    Organize the quality control of seeds
    Implement quality control of seeds
    Organize the quality control of fertilizers
    Implement quality control of fertilizers
    Organize the quality control of pesticides
    Implement quality control of pesticides
    Other action to improve input quality
    High prices of inputs
    Subsidy or support the price of seeds delivered to producers
    Subsidy or support the price of fertilizers delivered to producers
    Subsidy or support the price of pesticides delivered to producers
    Subsidy or support the use of some inputs through a targeted way
    Subsidy or support the use of inputs by targeting at some producers
    Subsidy or support the use of inputs by targeting at some areas
    Other action to reduce input prices
    Non availability of credit market
    Organize quick payment of producers
    Develop information on the needs for rural credit
    Develop the training on the function of rural credit
    Organize the distribution of credits to individuals
    Organize credit distribution to villages
    Organize the distribution of credit to groups of producers
    Extent the services provided by conventional financial market
    Develop the institutions of micro-finance
    Develop the mutualistic institutions for credit
    Develop alternative institutions for credit
    Other organization type for credit distribution
    Difficult conditions to have access to credit market
    Organize the targeted distribution of credit to most vulnerable people
    Organize targeted credit to young people
    Organize targeted distribution of credit to women
    Other action to facilitate access to credit
    Insufficient adequation and diversity of available credit formula
    Adapt credit to enable the equipment of producers
    Adapt credits to production
    Adapt credits to marketing by producers
    Adapt credits to consumption by producers
    Set up modalities of credit provision on preferential basis
    Set up innovative modalities for credit provision
    Other credit formulas
    Insufficient organization of producers for commercialization
    Organize producers individually to implement commercialisation
    Organize producers collectively to implement commercialisation
    Insufficient network of operators in commercialisation and processing
    Organize the distribution of operating credit to commercialisation players
    Organize credit provision for equipment and infrastructures to operators of commercialisation
    Provide training and information to marketing operators
    Organize the distribution of operating credit to players of industrial processing
    Organize the distribution of operation credit to players in semi-industrial processing
    Organize the distribution of operating credit to players involved in artisanal processing
    Provide training and information to processing operators
    Other action to increase the network of players involved in marketing and processing
    Insufficient consideration of urban markets
    Improve the knowledge about the supply of urban markets
    Improve the knowledge on the evolution of urban consumption modes
    Improve the knowledge on urban and peri-urban productions
    Other action considering the demand of urban markets
    Insufficient information on offer and demand
    Set up information system about urban consumptions
    Set up market information systems (MIS)
    Alleviate information asymetry through the diffusion of market information
    Connect and consolidate Market information systems at national level
    Improve the sustainability of the operation of Market Information Systems
    Promote the exploitation of Market information system to help decision making
    Other action to inform on demand and offer
    Insufficient level of price paid to producers
    Set up schemes of minimum price
    Promote demand
    Promote the processing at the level of producers
    Other action of price support
    Price instability
    Set up mechanisms to stabilize prices between years
    Set up mechanisms to stabilize price within year
    Set up mechanisms of stabilization against fluctuations of exchange rates
    Set up insurance schemes in favour of producers
    Other action against the effects of price instability
    Insufficient contractual relationship between players
    Other action in favour of contractual relations
    Promote the contractual approach between producers and purchasers
    Develop the combination of contract and credit supply
    Guaranty contracts to buyers
    Set up measures to enforce the implementation of contracts
    Insufficient knowledge of and compliance to quality requirements
    Set up schemes of non-price incentives to produce quality
    Inform about the quality requirements of the market
    Set up schemes of price incentives to produce quality
    Organize collectively for quality production
    Organize decision making about objectives in quality production
    Organize objective and transparent measurement of quality
    Other action to produce quality
    Insufficient organization to add value to products
    Implement traceability of products
    Get organized for marketing
    Label products
    Get organized for pluriannual selling on contractual basis
    Get organized for the contractual selling between states
    Other action to increase the selling value of products
    Lack or insufficiency of health infrastructures
    Install and manage water points
    Install and manage social services
    Other action in favour of health infrastructures
    Lack or insufficiency of education infrastructures
    Reinforce the set up of education centres
    Other action in favour of education infrastructures
    Lack or insufficiency of communication infrastructures
    Develop rural radio
    Entertain the existing network of roads and tracks
    Develop road and track infrastructures
    Promote the participation of rural populations to develop the network of roads and tracks
    Develop the transportation means for people and goods in rural areas
    Develop rural TV
    Develop rural telephone
    Develop internet connection in rural areas
    Other action favorable to telecommunication in rural areas
    Lack or insufficiency of rural electricity
    Develop the network of rural electricity
    Improve the access to energy in rural areas
    Other action related to rural electricity
    Lack or insufficiency of organization of physical markets
    Set up and manage physical markets
    Develop existing physical markets
    Other organization action of physical markets
    Lack/insufficiency of irrigation facilities
    Develop the irrigation facilities
    Sustainably entertain and manage irrigation infrastructures
    Other action favorable to irrigation
    Lack or insufficiency of storage infrastructures
    Develop the storage infrastructures at the village level
    Develop the storage facilities at the level of production basins
    Innovate in storage infrastructures
    Innovate in the area of better use of storage infrastructures
    Other action in connection with storage infrastructures
    Lack or insufficiency of agricultural infrastructures
    Develop the exploitation facilities of low lands
    Develop the horticulture facilities
    Develop other agricultural production facilities
    Lack or insufficiency of equipment
    Innovate in the modalities of equipment use
    Support the equipment targeted on types of producers
    Support the equipment targeted on types of devices
    Promote collective equipment
    Other action favorable to equipment
    Non adaptation of equipments
    Introduce and/or adapt cropping equipments
    Introduce and/or adapt harvest and post-harvest equipments
    Introduce and/or adapt equipments for the processing at the level of producers
    Introduce and/or adapt transportation equipments
    Other action in favour of equipment adaptation
    Lack of family labour
    Improve the involvement of young people in agriculture
    Other action in favour of the involvement of family members in field works
    Insufficient schooling
    Improve sustainably the access to education in rural areas
    Improve the quality of schooling in rural areas
    Other action to improve education level in rural areas
    Lack of literacy actions
    Support sustainably literacy program in local language
    Other action to develop literacy programs
    Lack of training in farm management
    Develop the management advice adapted to the diversity of producers
    Develop the access to management advice
    Other action to improve farm management
    Inadequate degree of State involvement
    Engage privatization actions
    Engage liberalization actions
    Engage regulation actions
    Engage actions to balance the State involvement according to the needs of diversified zones
    Other action to achieve better balance of state actions
    Lack of coherence in the State involvement
    Engage actions to balance the domains of State intervention
    Engage actions to improve the coherence of State involvement
    Improve the adaptation of actions by the State
    Improve the accuracy of the State actions according to targeted areas
    Improve the duration accuracy of actions by the State
    Set up and adjust policies by commodoty chain
    Set up a sustainable scheme of statistics by commodity chain
    Other action to improve the coherence of the State actions
    Insufficient policy appopriation
    Implement participatory construction of policy
    Proceed to inform about policies being conducted
    Proceed to transparent implementation of policies
    Set up an evaluation process of policies conducted
    Other action in favour of policy appropriation
    Insufficient efficiency of agricultural and rural development policy
    Improve the capitalization and exploitation of existing studies on agricultural policy
    Promote sustainably schemes to assess the impacts of agricultural policies
    Promote sustainably the steering approach of commodity chains
    Improve the update of coherent agricultural policies
    Other action in favour of more efficient policy
    Insufficient objective to support producers income
    Set up schemes to support income to producers
    Set up pension schemes to farmers
    Other action in favour of the income of rural families
    Insufficient action to reduce risk of income decrease for producers
    Set up schemes of income insurance
    Support the access to schemes of income insurance
    Set up measures against agricultural calamities
    Other action to reduce the decrease of income
  • Saved on
  • 2011-12-14
  • Modifed on
  • 2011-12-14
  • Administrated by
  • Ouologuem Abdoulaye
  • Abstract
  • La préoccupation centrale de cette étude était avant tout l'inventaire des services d'appui et de financement de la production agricole. Il s'agissait aussi et surtout d'avoir une approche critique du système qui s'organise autour de l'offre et de la demande des SAFPA dans un contexte de désengagement de l'État et de la libéralisation de l'économie.
    Pour ce faire, des enquêtes formelles et informelles ont été menées auprès de différents acteurs intéressés ou concernés par le SAFPA.
    Des discussions ont été menées avec les bailleurs de fonds afin d'appréhender leurs préoccupations et stratégies.
    Au terme de ces différentes investigations, il apparaît clairement que de nombreux acteurs s'investissent dans le SAFPA : l'État intervient toujours à travers ses structures déconcentrées et les projets de développement, mais c'est surtout les entreprises privées, les structures associatives et les ONG qui constituent les principaux animateurs du dispositifs.Il a été dénombré plus de 600 ONG impliquées dans l'offre de différents types de services, plus d'une centaine de caisses d'épargnes et de crédit dans le domaine de la micro-finance. Une base de donnée a pu être constituée à cet effet.
    D'une manière générale, on peut donc faire remarquer que le désengagement de l'État de certaines fonctions a permis de mobiliser de nouveaux acteurs très déterminés a atteindre leurs objectifs.
    Dans leurs évolutions, ces acteurs rencontrent de nombreux problèmes parmi lesquels on peut citer entre autres, l'acquisition de nouvelles compétences, l'instauration d'une dynamique nouvelle d'organisation et de prise de responsabilité, etc.
    Des exemples de réussite ont pu être identifiés et sur lesquels des analyses approfondies seront menées pour développer un programme d'appui sur les SAFPA.
    D'ores et déjà ds pistes de solutions ont été suggérées sur la base des expériences concluantes ou prometteuses et des contraintes rencontrées.