Are Women Less Capable in Managing Crops? Insights from Cotton Production in Northern China

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Article de revue scientifique de Wang Guiyan and Fok Michel - 2016

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  • Référence bibliographique
  • Année de publication
  • 2016
  • Auteur(s)
  • Wang Guiyan and Fok Michel
  • Titre du document
  • Are Women Less Capable in Managing Crops? Insights from Cotton Production in Northern China
  • Titre en anglais
  • Are Women Less Capable in Managing Crops? Insights from Cotton Production in Northern China
  • Adresse email de l'auteur
  • Adresse URL
  • Informations diverses
  • Published online first in 2016
  • Journal ou Magazine
  • Feminist Economics
  • Pays concerné(s)
  • Chine
  • Thésaurus associé(s)
  • Colire
  • Mots-clé(s) Colire
  • Comparaison des coûts de production
    Comparaison intra-pays des coûts de production
    OGM et le risque environnemental en général
    Coton Bt
    Estimation de l'utilisation des pesticides
    Comparaison de l'utilisation des pesticides entre les cultures
    Estimation de l'utilisation d'engrais
    Comparaison de la fertilisation entre les cultures
    Coton et utilisation d'eau
    Comparaison de l'utilisation d'eau entre les cultures
    Concurrence et accès aux technologies
    Coût de l'accès aux technologies
    Concurrence dans la fourniture de technologie
  • Enregistré le
  • 2017-03-15
  • Modifié le
  • 2017-03-15
  • Administré par
  • Fok Michel
  • Résumé
  • Women’s performance in agriculture matters, as women are becoming increasingly involved in agricultural production worldwide. Many studies have demonstrated that women-led farms perform less well as a result of less access to production factors, but no studies focus on how women perform without this constraint. This study fills that gap by analyzing the case of cotton cropping, which is known for its high labor requirements, high production inputs, and need for technical knowledge. Using primary data collected in northern China over the 2006–9 period, it uses the concept of “Daily Crop Management” (DCM) and identifies DCM farms managed by women whose husbands were engaged in off-farm activities on a long-term basis. The study finds that one-third of all farms were female-DCM farms, that these were smaller than those of their male counterparts but had equal access to production factors and achieved equal if not better technical and economic performances.
  • Résumé en anglais
  • Women’s performance in agriculture matters, as women are becoming increasingly involved in agricultural production worldwide. Many studies have demonstrated that women-led farms perform less well as a result of less access to production factors, but no studies focus on how women perform without this constraint. This study fills that gap by analyzing the case of cotton cropping, which is known for its high labor requirements, high production inputs, and need for technical knowledge. Using primary data collected in northern China over the 2006–9 period, it uses the concept of “Daily Crop Management” (DCM) and identifies DCM farms managed by women whose husbands were engaged in off-farm activities on a long-term basis. The study finds that one-third of all farms were female-DCM farms, that these were smaller than those of their male counterparts but had equal access to production factors and achieved equal if not better technical and economic performances.