Aperçu sur la sécurité nutritionnelle en afrique de l'ouest

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Conference proceedings of I. Jallow - 2004

  • Literature reference
  • Author
  • I. Jallow
  • Title of the work
  • Aperçu sur la sécurité nutritionnelle en afrique de l'ouest
  • Year of publication
  • 2004
  • Page number
  • 39
  • Publisher's address
  • Bamako
  • Countries concerned
  • Gambia
  • Associated thesauruses
  • ESPEs-Africa
  • Keywords ESPEs-Africa
  • Access to training
    Organisation of players and leadership
    Food security
    Food sovereignty
    Scheme of supervision of rural areas
    Poverty alleviation
    Training for literacy
    Professional training
    Access to water
    Access to energy
    Civil society and political orientations
    Habitat, cleansing and urbanisation
    Infrastructures for transport and communication
    Sustainable management of natural resources
    Management of land occupation
    Local development
    Scheme to follow-up policies
    Development policy Prospects
    General policy Prospects
  • Keywords AFOMDnet
  • Non availability of inputs (including seeds)
    Organize and manage fertilizer distribution
    Non adaptation of inputs
    Adapt inputs to the purchase power of producers
    High prices of inputs
    Other action to reduce input prices
    Non availability of credit market
    Develop information on the needs for rural credit
    Develop the institutions of micro-finance
    Difficult conditions to have access to credit market
    Other action to facilitate access to credit
    Insufficient adequation and diversity of available credit formula
    Adapt credits to production
    Adapt credit to enable the equipment of producers
    Insufficient information on offer and demand
    Improve the sustainability of the operation of Market Information Systems
    Insufficient level of price paid to producers
    Promote demand
    Other action of price support
    Insufficient organization to add value to products
    Implement traceability of products
    Other action to increase the selling value of products
    Insufficient sustainability of available techniques
    To accompanish the adoption of more sustainable production techniques
    Other action in favour of more sustainable production techniques
    Insufficient compliance of available techniques to the levels of resources of producers
    To accompany the adoption of production techniques requiring less cash expenses
    Conceive and adapt techniques requiring little cash expenses
    Other action in favour of production techniques less cash demanding
    Insufficient compliance with existing production systems
    Other action to adjust the compliance to local cropping systems
    Introduce new crop species in a reasoned way
    Introduce new species for animal production in a reasoned way
    Insufficient contribution of research
    Support sustainably research on the processing of food crop products
    Other action favorable to research on food crops
    Other action in favour of research on the processing of food crop products
    Support sustainably research on diversification productions
    Support sustainably research on the processing of products from diversification
    Other action favorable to research on processing of diversification products
    Other action favorable to research on animal productionsd
    Support sustainably research on food crops
    Support sustainably research on animal productions
    Lack or insufficiency of health infrastructures
    Install and manage water points
    Other action in favour of health infrastructures
    Lack or insufficiency of education infrastructures
    Reinforce the set up of education centres
    Lack or insufficiency of communication infrastructures
    Entertain the existing network of roads and tracks
    Develop road and track infrastructures
    Promote the participation of rural populations to develop the network of roads and tracks
    Develop the transportation means for people and goods in rural areas
    Develop rural radio
    Develop rural TV
    Develop rural telephone
    Other action favorable to telecommunication in rural areas
    Lack or insufficiency of rural electricity
    Develop the network of rural electricity
    Improve the access to energy in rural areas
    Other action related to rural electricity
    Lack or insufficiency of organization of physical markets
    Develop existing physical markets
    Lack/insufficiency of irrigation facilities
    Develop the irrigation facilities
    Sustainably entertain and manage irrigation infrastructures
    Other action favorable to irrigation
    Lack or insufficiency of storage infrastructures
    Develop the storage infrastructures at the village level
    Other action in connection with storage infrastructures
    Lack or insufficiency of agricultural infrastructures
    Develop the exploitation facilities of low lands
    Exacerbated land pressure
    Reclaim land for cultivation
    Non access to land
    Improve the access to land for rural producers
    Develop land market
    Other action to improve the access to land
    Lack or insufficiency of equipment
    Other action favorable to equipment
    Non optimal size (often too small size) of farms
    Develop production modes based on intensive use of land
    Insufficient schooling
    Improve sustainably the access to education in rural areas
    Improve the quality of schooling in rural areas
    Lack of literacy actions
    Support sustainably literacy program in local language
    Inadequate degree of State involvement
    Engage regulation actions
    Insufficient efficiency of agricultural and rural development policy
    Promote sustainably schemes to assess the impacts of agricultural policies
    Insufficient objective to support producers income
    Other action in favour of the income of rural families
    Insufficient action to reduce risk of income decrease for producers
    Set up measures against agricultural calamities
    Other action to reduce the decrease of income
    Insufficient management of inflation
    Protect producers against the effects of inflation
  • Saved on
  • 2011-12-14
  • Modifed on
  • 2011-12-14
  • Administrated by
  • Ouologuem Abdoulaye
  • Abstract
  • Où et pourquoi 10 millions d'enfants meurent chaque année? Selon le groupe d'étude Bellagio sur la survie des enfants, la réponse à la première question, est essentiellement dans les pays en voie de développement et plus spécifiquement en Afrique Subsaharienne qui compte 41% de mortalité infantile. La malnutrition contribue, selon ces estimations, pour environ 60% à cette mortalité qui n'est pourtant pas inéluctable. Beaucoup plus d'enfants survivent à la malnutrition mais avec d'importantes séquelles au niveau de leur développement physique et psychologique compromettant ainsi l'avenir national. Le document n°2 de la Fondation pour le Développement sur la Nutrition formule ce problème de la manière suivante "Aucun pays ne peut se permettre de gaspiller sa plus grande ressource nationale : la valeur intellectuelle de ses ressortissants. Mais, c'est précisément ce qui se passe, là où le faible poids à la naissance est monnaie courante, là où les enfants ne parviennent pas à leur pleine capacité de croissance, là où les déficiences en oligo-éléments endommagent à jamais le cerveau, là où l'affaiblissement et la faim réduisent les capacités scolaires des enfants".
    L'insuffisance du poids des mères et des enfants constitue une des principales causes responsables des maladies. Parallèlement, le taux de malnutrition des enfants est en augmentation en Afrique subsaharienne. En A frique de l'Ouest, ces taux demeurent stables mais avec des taux de croissance de population de population élevés, le nombre absolu d'enfants sous-alimentés continue de s'accroître. Si cette tendance se maintient, l'Afrique subsaharienne, qui inclut les Etats d'Afrique de l'Ouest, ne pourra atteindre au cours de la prochaine décennie l'objectif du millénium (MDG) de réduire de moitié la faim d'ici 2015. Une nutrition équilibrée étant aujourd'hui reconnue comme base essentielle sur laquelle peut s'édifier un développement socio-économique et humain, cela ne sera pas sans conséquences importantes sur la poursuite des objectifs de développement de la sous-région.